Lorain County, Ohio

Who We Are

Henrietta Township Trustees meet on the second Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall. 

More Information


​The next newsletter will be in the Spring 2025. If you have not received a newsletter and would like to be added to our mailings please contact the Township with your name and address. The Township Newsletter wi be mailed to all residents of record the first week of April and October.

We’d love to hear from you!


There are currently two cemeteries accepting burials in the township, Henrietta South located on State Route 511 and Henrietta North on State Route 113 (At Henrietta Methodist Church). 
The fee structure is as follows:

Township Residents- $200 per grave ; Non-residents-$400 per grave; Opening and closing of graves on weekdays- $225 ; Sunday and Holidays - $250; Urn Vaults for ashes- $100;  No grave will be opened on New Year’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas.